Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Population and Humanity

The utter disgust espoused by the modern slob when population even comes into question is astonishing. The exaltation of the masses will kill us; day by day action is taken over by complacency, intellect by ignorance, realism with naivety. Human dignity has almost reached the point of extinction, when looking for answers to the problem however everyone is hesitant with any answers, certainly it can't be the amount of humans, surely not the technology we've come to rely on so heavily? These things are good, so surely the more we have the better, right?

Such dangerous thinking is considered the norm, among many other delusions, it seems that man wants to remain in a comfortable state of ignorance, selfishly we continually promote the destruction of our environment with the compassion we have had forced upon us from birth. That all humans are equal; that we are all innately good, that morality will save us. Anything that says otherwise is heresy against the global cult of egalitarianism, not only will it be met with hostility, but it's met with no rationality, moralist rhetoric and pathetic sentimentalism.

Few want to face the fact that the world is in a bad way, even less offer anything of value, just the usual new "green" initiative which will sustain life and prolong the suffering for another 50 years so we can spread like diseases. The mindset that humans are naturally of quality has become devastating to us, now quality and quantity have become the same and we have flourished beyond our means, nature has been plundered and we have imprisoned ourselves in a world of industrial slavery, devaluation, monotony, the suicide of the self on a scale never seen before. These are things people don't wish to hear about their bright and vibrant new age however, we're posed with so many threats, so many problems and questions awaiting an answer few are willing to provide.

Shorter showers and driving hybrid cars is well and good, but it won't help repair the horrendous impacts we've had on our planet, let alone the fact that hybrid cars are built around the world (pollution, travel etc.) and their batteries require rare metals and resources. We need to consider the fact that 97% of the worlds water is in the ocean and a further 2.4% remains in ice caps and glaciers, leaving 0.6% of the worlds water as fresh and drinkable. Now also bear in mind the population booms of recent times and the issues with draught, water restrictions, pollution and a variety of other issues and we start to see that the future doesn't look as promising as some would like us to think. Regardless of what's needed most people aren't able to comprehend the world needing to lose precious humans. What needs to be realised however is that shunning an answer doesn't make the question disappear and this is not a situation that well-wishing and empathy can fix. We face a bleak future where humanity will be lowered to the most basic and animalistic it has ever been; this world is condemned to become a wasteland over which the human species in all its glory will be fighting over the scraps like vultures over offal.

We're in a pathetic struggle to preserve all life; this is paired with an un-natural admiration for frailty, weakness and excess. What admiration do the starving masses deserve? Those who can't fend for themselves but somehow cling to existence through the charity of others? What admiration does a king owe to his slave, one who is unable and unwilling to turn the tides that push against him to his favour? Why must we today, extend not just our patience but also our admiration to those fully capable but unwilling to become masters of themselves? "Humanitarian" action will ruin humanity and the planet; once every tree has fallen and every viable drop of water has been polluted where will it leave us? There must come a time when we realise that peace, tolerance and compassion can only do so much and the more we extol these supposed virtues the more enslaved within "freedom" and "democracy" we will be.




  1. It is only a matter of time until even the Plebeians realise the predicament that they are in due to overpopulation.

    Peace, tolerance and compassion are "virtues" possessed only by those of the West. Cradled from natural feears, domesticated like cattle due to going against the current of natural selection, the West claim these false ideals as truth.

    War is demonised, in the Christian sense, as the most heinous of evils. Yet it is only through war that the human race can be culled.

    Thanks for the article, I found it quite inspirational.

  2. Damn those humans! Niggardly dastards! The water is running out, let's plant more trees! Hail Lucifer.

  3. Natural selection cannot be accomplished with the density of population we now see. A synthetic alternative is needed and it comes in the form of eugenics.
    I call myself egalitarian. I believe what's good for the people is good. Sentimentality and morality, as mentioned, have polluted the concept; objectivity has become unreasonably distant. None can think beyond themselves, beyond the immediate. In this we have become less than living. We have kicked the most fundimental biological duties - reproduction and the long-term wellbeing of the species.

    Thanks for the article, Tradunt.


  4. Love your blog, I was linked to it from I did an interview for a while back with Dr.Albert Bartlett, who has been talking about overpopulation for a long while from his position at UC-Boulder. Love this blog from what I've read so far.
